Professional Development

There is a clear need for leadership support within Northumberland organisations both at first line management and for more advanced leadership skills. This has been demonstrated by the high demand for the leadership programmes that Connect Northumberland is delivering in partnership with Northumbria University and Opportunity Global. Data has also driven the development of a digital programme that will provide people with the knowledge and understanding to apply rapidly evolving digital technologies to 21st century business challenges.

Connect Northumberland has designed two leadership programmes, Management Essentials and a Mini Exec-MBA, that equip individuals with the advanced tools needed to be effective in their roles in an ever-changing business environment. The development programmes are designed to enable participants with the tools they can integrate into their workplace to improve their relationships with their team. The participants have space and time to learn best practice from their peers and a safe space to practice tools, techniques and strategies to use in the day job.

We have also designed a digital programme - Connect Tech that is integrated into the working environment, with real business applications at its heart, showcasing how employers can make best use of technology to transform their operations and take advantage of new opportunities. The format of this programme will help build connections between teams from across the county, and participants will have a safe space to try new tools and learn from their peers.


Mini Exec-MBA

The Mini Exec-MBA is designed either for individuals that have been recently promoted into senior leadership roles or those seeking such promotions within the next 12 months. With a leadership, diversity and inclusion focus, this development programme equips senior leaders to tackle 21st Century work problems and contribute to an organisations growth.

Key programme objectives: to develop leadership skills that will help leaders understand more about business on a strategic level whilst connecting them with other talented people that share a passion for place.


Management Essentials

Management Essentials is designed either for individuals that have recently been promoted into first-line team leadership roles or are seeking such promotions within the next 12 months.

Participants are encouraged to develop long lasting relationships with their peers via use of a digital platform and through attendance at events.

Key programme objectives: to develop leadership skills and help leaders understand and embed them into current roles, whilst connecting them with other talented people that share a passion for place.

Time commitment: nine full day sessions, one per calendar month plus a half day alumni networking event and certificate presentation after graduation.

Both programmes ‘travel’ around Northumberland and allow the 20 participants to get to know more about other businesses in the county. 



Connect Tech is for leaders and managers who are keen to understand the potential implications of emerging digital technologies for their team or their wider business. Prior knowledge is not essential; the only pre-requisite is a curiosity to learn how to exploit technology for the benefit of their organisation and their customers. The material covered will give insight into some of today’s hottest topics in Digital and is also intended to provide a starting point for attendees to continue to develop their understanding.

This digital programme will include regional business context helping employers understand what the problems are, and how they can be fixed (including the wider skills, training and recruitment opportunities).

We also plan to build a philanthropic data community to buddy-up with employers to support data-driven business improvement so this programme is a starting point for future business change.

Key programme objectives: to understand more about the latest technologies, see how these technologies are being used to transform businesses and connect talented people across the County.

Time commitment: four full day sessions that will ‘travel’ around Northumberland and allow up to 20 participants to get to know more about other businesses and their use of technology. 

Get in touch to find out more about our programmes

— Quote source